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About GPSG

The Graduate & Professional Student Government of UNC Charlotte shall serve as the primary representative unit for all enrolled graduate and professional students by providing a free and open forum for all matters affecting graduate life and education. GPSG seeks to lift the voices of graduate students by advocating for their interests both on and off campus. GPSG shall support graduate student life and success by allocating event, travel, and operational funding to Graduate Student Organizations.

In 1998, graduate students at UNC Charlotte proposed the creation of a governing body for the specific needs of graduate students the Student Government Association (SGA). Concerns with Student Activity Fee distribution and a lack of graduate student services sparked graduate students to initiate this petition.  

Graduate & Professional Student Government

The successful referendum created the Graduate & Professional Student Government (GPSG), separately registered Graduate Student Organizations (GSOs), a designated GPSG office space, and a direct allocation of Student Activity Fees funding for graduate student travel, events, and operations. 

Nearly two decades later, GPSG continues to act as the governing body for graduate students, and strives to meet the academic, social, and logistical needs of all enrolled graduate, professional, and post-baccalaureate students at UNC Charlotte.

Membership in GPSG is open to all graduate, professional, and post-baccalaureate students, both full and part time. Each Graduate Student Organization (GSO) is provided one voting member on the GPSG Senate. Any graduate student is welcome to participate in the activities and work of GPSG.

GPSG allocates travel, event, and operational funding to GSOs to encourage membership growth. The funding provided to GSOs and individuals originates from student activity fees, and is managed by the Student Activity Fees Commission (SAFC).

UNC Charlotte has 38 graduate student organizations as of 2018. With 34 in 2017, UNC Charlotte had one of the highest number of graduate student organizations per student in the UNC System. While most organizations represent their academic departments or field of study, many GSOs at UNC Charlotte advocate for civic issues or underrepresented populations.

Visit the Student Organizations website for a full directory of Graduate Student Organizations at UNC Charlotte.