Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week was started in 1993 by the National Association of Graduate-Professional Students as a way to support and appreciate graduate and professional students.
The week seeks to emphasize the contributions, impact and value of graduate and professional students on campuses throughout the United States.
UNC Charlotte will be celebrating the week with a variety of events and dining deals for graduate students.
GPSG is excited to announce that GSAW is right around the corner, and we have a full week of events for you! Please look over the schedule of events and register for any that are of interest.
Please also save the flyer image and share it with your organization or any graduate students you think may be interested. As we near the end of the semester in November, GPSG wants graduate students to find some reprieve amidst the demands of their work. GPSG appreciates you, and we hope that you will join us for a week of fun! -The GPSG Executive Board
Register here for the graduate assistant appreciation brunch on 4/2/24
Register here for the botanical garden walk on 4/2/24
Register here for the gentle yoga on 4/3/24
Register here for the luncheon on 4/3/24
Register here for the wellness open house on 4/4/24
Register here for the potluck karaoke on 4/5/24