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Campus Resources

Travel Funding

Graduate Student Travel Expenses

GPSG sets aside a certain amount of its funding each year to help graduate students travel to academic and professional conferences that benefit their education while positively representing UNC Charlotte at these events.

To Find Forms on NinerEngage

  1. Log in to Niner Engage using your NinerNet credentials.
  2. Search for Graduate & Professional Student Government and select the appropriate Organization.
  3. Select the appropriate Funding Application form you are looking for under the Forms section

2024 Treasury update

  1. Travelers who are attending a conference may be approved by the finance committee up to $350. 
  2. Travelers who are presenting at a conference may be approved by the finance committee up to $600 ($700 international) for a member of a chartered organization and up to $300 ($400 international) if a student at-large, however, exact amount requested by each student will be approved if less than the maximum amount allowed. 
  3. All travel expenditures will be capped to promote an equitable distribution of funds and to encourage graduate student’s participation in GPSG.
    1. During the Spring semester, if what is left of each student’s annual maximum allowable amount exceeds the maximum amount allowed per application, students shall be eligible to receive the difference, provided that all eligibility criteria are met. This allocation will be based on a first-come-first-served basis.


Any currently enrolled graduate student of UNC Charlotte can apply to get money to help with the cost of attending or presenting at one (or more) conference(s). You must be a currently enrolled student at the time of travel. 

  1. You must be a graduate student enrolled at UNC Charlotte;
  2. Your conference/symposium must be eligible for GPSG travel funding;
  3. You must apply within the correct application window;
  4. If you were awarded travel funds from the GPSG earlier in the current fiscal year (from June 1st until now), the total of these GPSG awards must not exceed your annual maximum of $800.00.
  5. You must be a member of a student organization or if not a member must only be presenting; we no longer fund students who are not members of an organization who are attending conferences
  6. Undergraduates enrolled in an early entry program are not elligible for travel funding.

Conferences/Symposia Eligible for Travel Funding

  • Any academic and/or professional conference that would benefit student's graduate education.
    GPSG does not provide funding for classes such as study/training sessions for professional exams or continuing education workshops.
  • You may apply as a presenter even if you have not been accepted when the window opens (if you are no longer presenting or not accepted please let the GPSG treasurer know immediately) 

Proof of registration or acceptance (in case of a paper or poster presentation) to the conference/symposium is not needed in order to apply for Travel Funding.

How to Apply for Travel Funding

One academic year consists of 3 separate application windows open for 2 weeks each. It is not possible to apply for travel funding outside these application windows. Each application window only accepts submissions for conferences that take place within a particular period of time.

Fall conferences/symposia

If the first day of the conference/symposium falls within October 1st and December 31st:

  • Application window: from September 1st until September 20th.
  • Notification of Approval/Denial of travel funds: September 30th.

Spring conferences/symposia

If the first day of the conference/symposium falls within January 1st and May 31st:

  • Application window: from November 1st until November 15th.
  • Notification of Approval/Denial of travel funds: December 1st.

Summer conferences/symposia

If the first day of the conference/symposium falls within June 1st and September 30th:

  • Application window: from April 1st until April 15th.
  • Notification of Approval/Denial of travel funds: May 1st.

The application must be filled-in using the online travel form on NinerEngage. The online form is only accessible when an application window is opened.


**please remember you are not guaranteed support from GPSG unless you receive an email from the GPSG Treasurer**

