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The Senate is comprised of representatives from each registered Graduate Student Organization (GSO). The Senate acts as the legislative body of GPSG.

According to the GPSG Bylaws, the President must call a meeting of the Senate at least once per month, meeting more if necessary. The decision on the frequency of the meetings is made by the Executive Board each academic year. 

GPSG Senate meetings are open to the public and welcome all graduate students' participation. 

All GPSG Senate meetings will be held from 4-5pm in the Popp-Martin Student Union, room 200, unless otherwise noted.

Fall 2024: 

  • Tuesday, August 27
  • Tuesday, September 24
  • Tuesday, October 29
  • Tuesday, November 19
  • Tuesday, December 3

Spring 2025: 

  • Tuesday, January 28
  • Tuesday, February 25
  • Tuesday, March 25
  • Tuesday, April 29

Attendance is required by at least one representative from each Graduate Student Organization.  No GSO shall miss more than two Senate meetings a semester and three over an academic year. If a GSO does miss three meetings, they are no longer represented or a voting member until a new Senator is selected.

The GPSG By-Laws state the following: 

  1. First absence – No penalty.
  2. Second absence – A warning e-mail will be sent to the President, Treasurer, Advisor, and additional Senate contacts of responsible organization regarding absences.
  3. Third absence (Within a semester) – If the third absence occurs within the same semester as the previous two absences, travel, event, and organization funding will be revoked and prohibited for the following semester in which the absences occurred. The organization will then be placed on probation the next semester.
  4. Third absence (over academic year) – No penalty, last warning.
  5. Fourth Absence (over academic year, two per semester) – Organization’s charter is revoked for remainder of year. Organization is placed on probation for one (1) academic year.

As of February 2024.

The GPSG Secretary manages the attendance of the Senate. Please contact if you have questions about your attendance.