Graduate students and GPSG leaders serve on a variety of the University's Advisory Boards, Committees, and Task Forces to promote graduate student interests.
In 2017-2018, GPSG connected/appointed graduate students to the following boards and committees:
- Campus Safety and Security Committee
- Department of Police and Public SafetyCenter for Teaching and Learning Advisory Committee
- Center for Teaching and Learning
- Department of Police and Public SafetyCenter for Teaching and Learning Advisory Committee
- Faculty Advisory Library Committee
- Faculty Governance
- Graduate Council
- Faculty Governance / The Graduate School
- Harshini de Silva Graduate Mentor Award Selection Committee
- The Graduate School
- NinerMedia Board
- Student Activities
- Student Activity Fees Commission
- Student Activities
- Task Force for Graduate Student Funding
- The Graduate School
- Tuition and Fees Advisory Board
- Student Government Association (SGA)