The Graduate and Professional Student Government will start taking election nominations for the 2025-2026 academic year on 2/17.
We encourage all graduate students, regardless of degree or program, to get involved with GPSG and help build a better community for UNC Charlotte graduate students.
Self-nominations are acceptable and encouraged! Visit our NinerEngage page to complete the nomination form.
The Elections Act (2021) states that the election of the GPSG President, Vice President, and Treasurer take place each April. All enrolled graduate and professional students at UNC Charlotte are eligible to vote online for their representatives at during the specified window.
The President shall be empowered to call and conduct Senate meetings, represent GPSG at University functions, speak and act on behalf of the graduate and professional students, appoint graduate students to openings on University committees and to initiate and oversee any business or programs necessary to fulfill the purposes of GPSG, so long as it is not inconsistent with the Constitution or By-Laws. The President shall maintain a handbook with information pertinent to their duties and responsibilities as President.
Vice President
The Vice President shall have all the powers of the President at any time, for however long, the President is incapable of fulfilling the duties of that office. They shall be the Chair of the Research Fair Committee and an ex-officio member of the Finance Committee. They shall supervise all matters of public relations, including but not limited to chairing focus groups, contacting the media, and planning special events. They shall maintain a handbook with information pertinent to their duties and responsibilities as Vice President.
The Treasurer shall be empowered to represent the GPSG on the Student Activities Fees Commission and as Chair of the Finance Committee, oversee the annual budget to requisition funds, keep all financial records, and to conduct affairs of GPSG consistent with the Treasury Laws of the Student Activities Fees Commission statutes. They shall maintain a handbook with information pertinent to their duties and responsibilities as Treasurer.
Please see the GPSG By-Laws for more information regarding these positions.